
Our passion and flair for the visual expression is the core of our work with illustrations and infographics. Regardless of whether the illustration is to be used on digital media, print, branding or advertising - we know that illustrations can communicate, engage and inspire.

We specialize in transforming complex ideas into clear visual messages, which is essential in campaigns or branding where the use of traditional images can be limited - for example for Højelse Skole, where GDPR's strict requirements made traditional images unavailable; we designed illustrations that became an integral part of the school's visual identity.

Or when data must be communicated in an easy-to-understand way – such as for Forbrugerrådet Tænk and Alkohol & Samfund, where we transform statistics into visual information that is easy to decode and makes complex data accessible to everyone.

Illustrations for books & magasiner

Asap laver også illustrationer til bøger og magasiner – for eksempel til Social Kritik, hvor vi har bidraget i samarbejde til de seneste 10 numre. De nyeste udgivelser er blevet redesignet med en ny layout, typografi og stil for illustrationer. I designet af hvert tidsskrift følges et grundlæggende princip for typografi og grafisk tilrettelæggelse, men hver udgivelse får sit eget unikke udtryk med nye farver, typografiske valg for overskrifter og en frisk tilgang til illustrationerne. På denne måde tilpasses designet af tidsskriftet til hver enkelt nummers tema. De seneste numre er helt eller delvist illustreret af Asap. 


When developing concepts and visual identities – or commissioned work as a separate task, Asap often delivers illustration packages. Our customers actively uses these packages both in their internal communication or to produce their communication materials themselves – for example to use on social media. This can help the range of a campaign or help strengthen the company's visual identity.

infographics & procesmodeller

We have adapted and illustrated several process models, prepared icons, and created illustrations to help facilitate processes. Below you can see different examples created for different purposes and industries.